Actors - Get Serious About Your Acting

2 hours Evening session - 6.30pm to 8.30pm Part-time

Main Campus Online


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Actors - Get Serious About Your Acting

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Raise Your Game -- Higher Awareness -- Sharpen Your Craft

This BRAND NEW 2hr session is aimed at Actors / Creatives wanting to sharpen their craft and gain some insights into the TV / Film industry.

Whether you are just starting out, wanting to gain knowledge about the business or a professional wanting some help perhaps with an audition, this session aims is to coach you through the process, share with you some of the disciplines you may need and give you that encouragement and guidance you might not have had.

Lead by Jack Ryder - Jack Ryder Sessions:

“I began acting at the age of 16 and have worked full time in this industry for over 20 years.

As a self taught actor I have learned everything I know from the jobs I have had and built a repertoire of techniques and skills that I have carried with me into my directing work. For 10 years I have been directing for theatre and screen alongside my acting career which has furthered my insight and understanding of the many aspects to this type of work which I hope to share with you.”